We last visited some five years ago and decided to book revisit the hotel we used last time. This is the Hotel Conquistador which is just across the road from the Cathedral or Mesquita which is the main reason to visit this city.
There is a campsite just outside the city and when we visited we noticed a couple of motorhomes parked on the road (Avenida Fray Albino) beside the river not far from the Roman bridge, although I am not sure if you could park overnight but it might be possible out of season.
of the Christian kings. There is not much castle left now but the gardens are beautiful with orange trees, water features within avenues of trees ..
After the Moors were ousted the incoming Christian rulers decided to build a cathedral at the heart of the mosque which means that today you enters beautiful and atmospheric mosque with nearly 900 columns and beautiful coloured arches that seem at time to stretch into infinity.
Since we last visited a new visitor centre has been created which contains a museum and auditorium and there is now a shuttle bus taking you to the site. The museum is free but the shuttle bus costs 3euro return for two jubilados. If you are in a motorhome you can park comfortably in the car park.